Trifucosyl-Lewis b Antigen

General | Antibody | Glycoprotein | Glycolipid | Enzyme | Reference

2 reference for EP0092

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1 Stroud MR, Levery SB, Salyan ME, Roberts CE, Hakomori S.
Extended type-1 chain glycosphingolipid antigens. Isolation and characterization of trifucosyl-Leb antigen (III4V4VI2Fuc3Lc6).
Eur J Biochem. 1992 Feb 1;203(3):577-86
PMID: 1735443
2 Ito H, Tashiro K, Stroud MR, Orntoft TF, Meldgaard P, Singhal AK, Hakomori S.
Specificity and immunobiological properties of monoclonal antibody IMH2, established after immunization with Le(b)/Le(a) glycosphingolipid, a novel extended type 1 chain antigen.
Cancer Res. 1992 Jul 1;52(13):3739-45
PMID: 1377598